Here is your road map to your Private Pilot License with Take Flight Aviation, LLC! We generally follow these modules listed for our lessons.
The Flight Lessons you take teach you maneuvers to learn aircraft control. Ultimately, during your Flight Portion of your checkride, you complete these maneuvers to certain standards. Initially you will learn the maneuvers on the ground and then in the air as your Flight Instructor shows them to you and then talks you through them as you perform them. But after doing them the first few times, you need to be able to transition to knowing how to set up for the maneuver and perform the steps properly on your own. This is a sample checklist for the maneuvers that you can start with - and edit as you go - to make it your own. It will help you more quickly be successful in performing the maneuvers on your own, saving you time and money in the air!
A POH is often referred to as Operator's Handbook or Airplane Flying Handbook, and other names! What does it all mean and what does a POH really explain? Learn more.
If you decide to use an "Electronic Flight Bag" (aeronautical charts/chart supplement/flight planning in a program), we will help you set up the profiles and learn how to effectively use it. This is a guide that Foreflight provides for reference as well. Explore more on your own at home to learn your Electronic Flight Bag on the ground!
If you purchased an "online ground school", it likely has options for taking practice tests. It's important to note that the FAA does not release the exact bank of questions it uses; so each of these companies do their best to create realistic sample test questions. That's why it's good to take some practice tests from a variety of places to ensure you are getting over 80% minimum of whatever practice questions correct. Here are a few options; feel free to do a search for more.
Prior to solo, a student completes a presolo written knowledge test. This is an open book test and you can use resources such as your Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Airplane Flying Handbook or FAR/AIM for completing the test. This is not a 'pass/fail' type of test. You and your instructor will discuss the answers you came up with and correct your answers for you to have all the information necessary for your solo flights.
Instrument Rating Suggested Materials
This is a guide to how to fill out the Flight Plan giving you information about the various blocks of information.
Here is a blank Flight Plan you can use when planning your Cross Country Flights.
Print this document to learn more about developing personal minimums. You will develop personal minimums as part of your Checkride Preparation.
Pilotscafe has a great IFR Quick Review Study Guide.
Sarah Aciego's Instrument Rating Practical Test is the GO TO book for preparing for your Instrument Checkride, your Flight Instructor-Instrument, or an IPC (Instrument Proficiency Check!)